Calabria is one of the most beautiful city in Italy having many places to
visit, which are amazing.
Lungomare (Waterfront), the most beautiful
kilometer of Italy, full of shores where in the summer months parties and
animations are held , it’s possible to have a walk and look at a stunning view,
and feel a refreshing sea breeze.
Il Duomo (The Cathedral), religious font of the
city, it imposes stateliness and imposingness in the
eyes of everyone, painted with frescoes and inlaid marbles,
restored after the terrible earthquake
in 1908
Il Teatro Cilea (Cilea Theater) ,situated in
Garibaldi course , is one of the heritage
of Reggio , you can assist to
musicals, concerts, cabarets ecc.. It’s cozy with a 19th Century design
Il Castello Aragonese (Aragonese Castle), few minutes from the Cathedral you can visit the castle, a historical symbol , inside there are really interesting exhibitions and architecture is really fascinating.
Villa Zerbi (Zerbi Villa), situated on the
Waterfront, with beautiful garden in the center of the town, is often a
location of exhibitions , revisited with Neo-Gothic Venetian style of 14th Century.
Scavi di Piazza Italia (Italian Piazza), is one
of the most important square of Reggio, below the piazza there are some Greek ruins that you can visit. “The city below the city”,
a part with course of shops and a part with the piazza , it tells how many
centuries have passed.
These are the most important places to visit.But as a tourist you can stay the night in the
several hotels. Reggio offers various Hotels in suggestive places. There are
many Bed&Breakfast where there’s the rule of quality/price.
Joseph Vallejo III BI