Wednesday, 19 March 2014

A Survey on Students' Dating Habits

This is a report on a survey of students’ dating habits. We gave a questionnaire to 124 students from all three grades of our school.

These are the questions we asked:
1.            Where do you usually meet people your age?
2.            Where do you go on a date?
3.            Would you go out with someone you have met online?
4.             Do you tell the truth about yourself on the first date?
5.             What is your ideal partner like? 

The results were very interesting. Check them out below here!.

From Mark and Luana

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Italian school system

Reggio calabria: a town in the heart of the mediterranean

An E-Bike realized in our Laboratories!

An E-Bike realized in our Laboratories!

February 15, 2014, in the Auditorium of the Technical Institute of Technology'' A. Panella - G. Vallauri "of Reggio Calabria. The teacher of Mechanics Courses presented to the public a prototype of an electric bicycle made ​​entirely in the Laboratories of Mechanics, as a result of the project "Building an e-bike." The E-BIKE was assembled using techniques and ergonomic solutions and highly ecological and through a multimedia it was illustrated step-by-step stages of the prototype . Finally, the administrative director Ida Romeo, was visibly excited, she wanted to thank all the authors and implementers of the project E-BIKE.

Mark Joseph Vallejo 

Monday, 3 March 2014


Reggio Calabria is one of the most beautiful city in Italy having many places to visit, which are amazing.

Lungomare (Waterfront), the most beautiful kilometer of Italy, full of shores where in the summer months parties and animations are held , it’s possible to have a walk and look at a stunning view, and feel  a refreshing sea breeze.

Il Duomo (The Cathedral), religious font of the city, it imposes stateliness  and imposingness in the eyes of everyone, painted with frescoes and inlaid marbles, restored after the  terrible earthquake in 1908


Il Teatro Cilea (Cilea Theater) ,situated in Garibaldi course , is one of the heritage  of Reggio ,  you can assist to musicals, concerts, cabarets ecc.. It’s cozy with a 19th Century design

 Il Castello Aragonese (Aragonese Castle), few minutes from the Cathedral you can visit the castle, a historical symbol ,  inside there are really interesting exhibitions  and architecture is really fascinating.

Villa Zerbi (Zerbi Villa), situated on the Waterfront, with beautiful garden in the center of the town, is often a location of exhibitions , revisited with Neo-Gothic Venetian style  of 14th Century.

Scavi di Piazza Italia (Italian Piazza), is one of the most important square of Reggio, below the piazza there are some Greek ruins that you can visit. “The city below the city”, a part with course of shops and a part with the piazza , it tells how many centuries have passed.

These are the most important places to visit.But as a tourist you can stay the night in the several hotels. Reggio offers various Hotels in suggestive places. There are many Bed&Breakfast where there’s the rule of quality/price.

Mark Joseph Vallejo III BI


Top tipical calabrian products

Calabrian licorice
The best licorice was born in Calabria. Licorice defined as the crus, with the best quality in the world. Licorice is a perennial shrub with a woody base up to a meter belonging to the family Leguminosae, it has roots and branches that grow taproots crawling on the ground or bury giving rise to new roots, from which is obtained by boiling the plant extract . The pure licorice from Calabria is particularly well-balanced in the bitter-sweet taste that can be used without any additives or other sweeteners, while the licorice produced in other countries is very bitter. This qualitative primacy did develop in Calabria industry licorice.

The mostaccioli cakes are typical from Soriano Calabro but today they are spread all over the world. They are made with natural ingredients, flour, honey and Calabrian hot wort. The cookies are hard, compact, heavy, of various forms, decorated with foil , consumed at fairs, festivals, Christmas and Easter.

Sweets typical of the period of the Carnival celebrations, in the shape of a strip, sometimes molded into various shapes, made ​​with a mixture of flour that is baked or fried and then dusted with powdered sugar. They can also be covered with honey, chocolate and /or sugar, washed down with alchermes or served with black pudding with mascarpone or sweetened and mounted cream.

Cookies typical of Reggio Calabria made ​​of crescent-shaped pastry stuffed with figs, walnuts, almonds, orange peel and tangerine. The exterior is usually garnished with a brushed with beaten egg yolk and small balls of colored sugar, or alternatively can be trimmed with icing sugar, dark chocolate or white chocolate. These cakes are usually prepared and eaten during Crhistmas time.

ypical sweet reggino cone-shaped and covered with warmed honey and is used mainly during the festivities of Carnival. The cake is made from deep-fried dough pellets (called just "pine cones") and covered in honey or white icing on half lemon (or bergamot) and for the remaining half of chocolate vanilla icing.

By Danilo Spinella & Robert Bogdan

Reggio Society

According to the latest available official data , provided by Istat and updated as at 30.09.2010 , the population of Reggio Calabria is around 186,000.
Ethnic minorities and foreigners
Foreigners living in Reggio Calabria are 9,637, 5.17% of the population. The most numerous national communities are : Romania, Morocco and the Philippines.

The first religious denomination is Roman Catholic but in the territory of the city other places where you profess other religious rites are located. There are churches for Protestants and Orthodox in Reggio.
The dialect is different from other dialects of Calabria, it is instead very similar to the sicilian dialect.
Institutions , organizations and associations
Reggio Calabria is the seat of the Regional Council of Calabria, hosted at the palace Campanella. In the city the following institutions  are also located: the Maritime Directorate of Calabria, General Customs Directorate for Calabria, Archaeological Survey of Calabria.
Quality of life
In 2012, the province of Reggio Calabria was ranked at the 92th place in the annual ranking by Il Sole 24 Ore on the livability of the 107 Italian provinces.

                                                                                                                   By Pellicanò Daniela