Monday, 3 March 2014

Reggio Society

According to the latest available official data , provided by Istat and updated as at 30.09.2010 , the population of Reggio Calabria is around 186,000.
Ethnic minorities and foreigners
Foreigners living in Reggio Calabria are 9,637, 5.17% of the population. The most numerous national communities are : Romania, Morocco and the Philippines.

The first religious denomination is Roman Catholic but in the territory of the city other places where you profess other religious rites are located. There are churches for Protestants and Orthodox in Reggio.
The dialect is different from other dialects of Calabria, it is instead very similar to the sicilian dialect.
Institutions , organizations and associations
Reggio Calabria is the seat of the Regional Council of Calabria, hosted at the palace Campanella. In the city the following institutions  are also located: the Maritime Directorate of Calabria, General Customs Directorate for Calabria, Archaeological Survey of Calabria.
Quality of life
In 2012, the province of Reggio Calabria was ranked at the 92th place in the annual ranking by Il Sole 24 Ore on the livability of the 107 Italian provinces.

                                                                                                                   By Pellicanò Daniela

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